A Mid-Week Update

The last couple weeks brought about some changes. For one, there’s anticipation about the upcoming tests, but there have also been some symptom changes.

The chemo treatments have always made Karen tired and sick. While some weeks have been worse than others, you’ve probably read some posts where I mention that Karen sleeps a lot for several days after a treatment. Starting last week this completely reversed, and now she has had insomnia! Wow, what a drastic change! She’s getting some sleep, but only seems to be a few hours at a time. We’ll keep you posted about any further changes. So, the question of the day is which is worse? Is it worse to be sick but asleep, or awake and sick? They both suck. Oops, I meant to say that neither is very pleasant.

Next week will be different. We’ll  switch to another chemo treatment, or switch to an oral medication, or a combination of medications and treatments, or something, or maybe something else altogether. I’m sure you’ve guessed that we’re not really sure what’s next, and neither is anybody else until we receive the results of the CT scan during our follow-up on Wednesday. This may be contributing to the insomnia of course.

The good news is that she’s felt up to a few activities away from the house. Over the last week we’ve attended the theater (a Catco production downtown Columbus, not the cinema) and visited the office together. We may even return to the theater for a new production that starts tomorrow. Unfortunately, we still don’t have any snow to try the sledding hill!

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