Six Years

Today, it has been six years since Karen passed. This is a sad day for us. For me, it’s a day of reflection on many things.

Each and every one of us will die some day. Instead of speaking about sad things, I’d like to share something positive. Some of us leave things behind, whether it’s through our children or through our efforts.

For Karen, she left an amazing legacy of helping others, and truly caring about them. She lifted people up, helping them be the best they could be, encouraging them, and nourishing the best aspects of each and every one of us that were in her circle.

I am fortunate to be around people who knew her in life. I speak about her every day, and the people around me work to continue her dream. The people that work for the business we founded know her through the culture she fostered, and the way we speak about her.

It’s been six years since she passed, yet the people at our office speak about her daily. They tell me that they think “Karen would love this,” or in personal moments share stories about something Karen did or said. When faced with a challenging situation, they ask “what would Karen do?”

Our memory of Karen helps us still. We remember all the best parts of her, and what she brought out in those around her.

I’m very fortunate to have had Karen in my life, even if a short time. I think there are many others that feel the same.

Through us, Karen lives on.

2 thoughts on “Six Years”

  1. This day never gets any easier really. And every day I think of something I’d love to say to it share with Karen. As each year goes by it becomes more obvious how irreplaceable she is

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